10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition

Whether you anticipate a change, or you are caught like a deer in headlights, transition can be challenging.  Job transitions can be stressful—whether they’re due to layoff, a new job or working extra hours because other employees were laid off.

If you’re facing a transition, career or otherwise, consider the following:

  1. Take an honest look at yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, skills? How did those influence—positively or negatively—your transition?
  2. Step up your self-care. Major changes are physically and emotionally taxing. You need self-care now more than ever.
  3. Engage your curiosity. What went wrong, or right? What could you have done better? What worked really well?
  4. Focus on what you want, and less on what you don’t want. Keep your eye on the prize. (Affirmations can help!)
  5. Find support. Since your transition affects your family as well, it may be better to seek the outside support of friends or professionals.
  6. Work on your thoughts. Calm your fears and reinforce your sense of hope and happiness.
  7. Reassure (or avoid) those who are threatened by, or jealous of, the change.
  8. Create your own rite of passage. Ceremony and ritual help with all transitions. Allow for closure or grieving where needed.
  9. Let go of how things were “supposed to be” and accept “how things are.” Find appreciation  and gratitude for what is.
  10. Keep things in perspective. Or try on a new perspective. Don’t get stuck. Remember, the only constant is change.

If your mind keeps taking you down the proverbial “rabbit hole” with your thoughts, explore them a bit.  Is it fear?  Is it a feeling of imbalance? Is it a lack of clarity? If you are having a hard time working through this, you might benefit from coaching.  A Career Coach can help you evaluate in a more objective manner and clarify your strengths and skills while working with you on mindset.

“The Work” by Byron Katie has proven to be very helpful for me during transitions when the thoughts and panic have come up.  She highlights The Work in her books, Loving What Is and A Mind at Home With Itself.

During transition and for every day life, affirmations and a gratitude journal can be helpful as well.  I have been using The Five Minute Journal as a tool for gratitude, clarity and affirmations.

What are some of the tools or habits you have used when handling a stressful period or transition? 



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