I have been asked many times, “Do I need a coach? Can’t I just figure this all out myself?”
The truth is, coaching is not for everyone. Yet some people yield life changing benefits from coaching! Help may come from a Career Coach, Life Coach, Fitness Coach, Productivity Coach, Marriage Coach, Business Coach, or any other speciality.
Some believe that coaching is for people who are desperate and can’t figure things out themselves. Wrong! Deciding to hire a coach is a strategic action, not one of desperation. People who hire a coach (Career Coach or any other) have enough self-awareness to realize that they need an outside perspective, specialized experience and accountability.
So how do I know if working with a career coach might be right for me?
- Do you get uncomfortable at the idea of discussing your dreams, fears, challenges and desires, so you just don’t talk about those things or even know how to begin thinking about them?
- Are you unsure where you are heading, but feel that you “should” have it all together by now?
- Are you trying to work toward a raise or promotion?
- Are you struggling with a piece of your job that you just dread?
- Are you having a hard time with a co-worker or boss?
- Do you feel burned out or not satisfied by your work?
- Do you envy your friends that light up when they talk about their career and lives?
- Do you want to explore a new career?
- Did you experience a major life change and want to reassess your priorities and path?
- Do you struggle with time management, organization, overwhelm, stress or motivation?
- Are you just stuck and unsure of what to do next?
If these things apply to you, “winging it” might not be the most productive plan of action. Consider reaching out to a professional career coach that can be a sounding board, resource and partner.
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planed for you? Not much.” ― Jim Rohn
Who might NOT benefit much from coaching?
- Somebody with high self-awareness that lives a life of continuous self-improvement. They are satisfied both personally and professionally, have a solid plan for where they are heading in the next 5-10 years, and a solid plan to get there. (Kudos to them!)
- Somebody that is not open to developing themselves personally or professionally and has no interest in self-awareness. (They might really need it, but are not likely to benefit from coaching if everything in their life is somebody else’s fault and never their own).
Are you considering a career move and interested in learning more about working with a career coach? Apply for a complimentary Discovery Call.
Decide today that you are the kind of person that is intentional about designing your life!
How about you? What will you create when intentionally designing your own life?